Question: Clayton, Where do you stand on the draft and do you agree with it. -Charles S, Richmond, VA
Answer: Well Charles, I believe that the draft that was instated is completely necessary if we are to continue fighting this war. This is due to the fact that we we were losing recruits this was a very large threat too the South's continuing in this war. Without soldier's this war is hopeless so the only reasonable solution is having a draft. I hate to see our young men go to war as much as the rest of us but if we want to succeed in seceding from the Union sacrifice's must be made in order to do that. This draft, overall was good decision to be made by the new Confederate Government.

Sports during the civil war consisted of Billiards, horse races, and boxing matches.Today in sports we are preparing for the big horse race at Confederate horse racing stadium which was just finished with construction. Also tonight there is a billiard tournament down at Uncle Joe's Tavern. The best billiard players in all of the land are coming to fight for the grand prize of 25 dollars. Lastly in sports today next Saturdays boxing match is scheduled for 4:00 at the boxing ring in Town Square at Atlanta.
