Interview with a confederate spy
(Spy's name shall remain classified)

NV:How dangerous was it being a spy in the civil war?

Spy: It is pretty dangerous with being in hot air balloons and on foot, we (spies) always have to

face life or death, if a Yankee catches us we have no way out, it's just us versus their whole


NV: I also understand that you have women being spies to, whats that like?

Spy: yes, they are good spies they can trick almost any man, we hire more women because they

are very helpful in getting information to us.

NV:why did you choose this job to be a spy?

Spy: I chose it because I wanted to help my side of the war and protect what we believe, many

of the other spies and soldiers fight and do this for the same reason.

NV: Do you believe that you are doing the right thing by spying, and would you encourage

others to go into the army or be a spy?

Spy: Like I said I am doing this for our confederacy and I believe I could do much more like

actually join the confederate army. I would encourage people to join because there is a need for

more troops and spies plus if the love their confederacy then the should want to fight for it, so I

don't know why people wouldn't

NV: Well thanks for your time Im glad I got to talk to you about this.

Spy: No problem.
