Interview of the leader Robert Lee
By: ME

Interviewer: How long did you think the war would go on for?

General Lee: I thought it would only last for about 6 months, because of our superior strength and battle plan we will certainly outsmart the union. You can really never tell though how long war will go on we can only wait and see and hope for the best.

Interviewer: How did you feel about slavery?

General Lee: I felt that slavery was right, it supports us in so many way. I don't know what we would do with out it. Our economy would fall apart they are our support beam.

Interviewer: And why is that?

General Lee: Because, we've grown up with them that's all we know how could we survive. Besides that's all they know what would be the difference to them. Is it really natures way to change? These ways have been set for hundreds of years

Interviewer: Do you have a wife and kids?

General Lee: yes I have beautiful 7 children and a loving wife named Martha. I miss them all so dearly I can't wait for the war to finish so a may come back to them.

Interviewer: Which military academy did you graduate from?

General Lee: I graduated from West point in 1829 and I finished second out of forty-six students in my class. Most of my former classmates looked up to me and they knew that some day I would be a great military leader. Look at me now I have become a success.

Interviewer: When were you born?

General Lee: I was born January, 19, 1807 from two loving parents which with out their help I wouldn't be the man I am today I love them both very much.