Slave Trade In South
By: JM

May, 24, 1824 By: Jared Longston

Opinion of an everyday Southerners:

“Every day we are trying to keep our country going by using Slaves. We try to keep them from escaping from the south and joining the North. The Northerners want to take away our live stock from us and make our economy go downhill. We want to keep our livestock to stay at where it is and if that is taken away, it is just for a purpose to make us suffer.” Said A Farmer

“Southerners have relied on the slaves to help with the Economy and don't want it to fall. I don't own any slaves, but I do see that they are a help to everyone. And we need to trade slaves to slave owners to get more money to support there families and to do more work. But I prefer to do the work around my shop myself instead of having other people doing it for me.” Southern shop owner

Slavery Trade:

For the past few weeks, I have been around some slave traders and owners and seeing how they treated their slaves. I asked a man about how long Slavery had been around and he said that the south has had many slaves over the corse of some years, It has been going on for over a 100 years. Many Southerners slave owners do fear for there lives as they see the slaves go and groups always thinking that they had a plan to kill and over throw there masters. I noticed that there was few kids and I saw a women weeping to herself. I asked her what was wrong. She had said that she had killed her own child back home so that he didn't get sold off and mistreated like she had been her whole life. Southern slave owners have understood why Most slave women kill there children. They know that they do that so there children don't have to live through all of the hardship that they had gone through and that they don't have to live with the pain of being seperated from them. Slaves were usually opened up to there owners religions after they had been boughten and had obtained there slave owners last names. As I was on the boat, I had see that almost everyday, there had been dead slaves that were thrown in the ocean. The captain of the boat said that any Slaves died from being cramped in the ships. When they were being transported and the slave traders would have music play and make them dance to keep there muscles strong and so they can be sold for a higher price. Slaves were put into auctions and the good looking and muscular slaves were most boughten from the richer slave owners.