James Longstreet
  Before the Civil War
 James Longstreet was a great Lieutenant general and a great soldier in the Civil War. James Longstreet was born in Edgefield District, South Carolina on January 8, 1821 and was the son of a farmer. Longstreet spent most of his time with his father in Augusta, Georgia. When Longstreet's father died he moved with his mother to Somerville, Alabama. He entered West Point 1838 and graduated in 1842 as 54th out of 56th two cadets have died and 41 others have failed. In West Point he befriended Ulysses S. Grant and George E. Pickett and became best friends and later Ulysses became cousin-in-laws with Longstreet, when Ulysses married his cousin Julia Dent. He served in the Mexican Army and served under Zachary Taylor and Scott Winfield and was wounded at the battle of Chapultepec and was promoted to Brevet Major. Longstreet was then promoted in 1858 to Major and resigned from the army on June 1,1861 to join the South during its secession.
Civil War
When Longstreet joined the confederate army he was immediately appointed Brigadier-General. Longstreet was promoted to Major-General on October 17 because of his performance in the 1st Battle of Bull Run or Manassas. Longstreet helped hold off McClellan's Army and helped the Confederate army reach Richmond, so the the capital can be protected. Longstreet loved to play cards, drink, and attending parties, but after the Scarlet Fever incident which killed his daughter one-year-old Mary Anne Longstreet, his two son four-year-old James Longstreet Jr. and six-year-old Augustus Longstreet or Gus for short, and his thirteen-year-old Garland Longstreet almost succumbed to the fever as well. And after that incident Longstreet stopped playing poker, attending parties, and drinking. Longstreet was however slow moving and has to much precaution and didn't do so well at the Battle of Seven Pines or Fair Oaks he moved his troops the wrong way on May 31, thus delaying the start of the main attack. Seven Pines helped promote Robert E. Lee to command all the Confederate army due to the injury of Joseph E. Johnston. And helped promote a relationship between Longstreet and Lee. Lee mostly referred Longstreet as his Old Warhorse while others called him Old Pete, Bulldog, and Bull of the Woods. In the 2nd Battle of Bull Run or Manassas Longstreet led his troops to slowly and made Thomas Stonewall Jackson or Thomas Johnathan Jackson get pounded by John Pope's forces. Until Longstreet finally reached the battle field and won the battle. In the battle of Fredericksburg he made a defensive maneuver and defeated a huge group of soldiers due to Union captain Ambrose Everett Burnside who told his soldiers to attack the defense and sending them to their doom and lost a lot of men. Longstreet was famous for his defending of Fredericksburg and wanted to keep the same strategy however it didn't help enough so he gave up the strategy. He then told Robert E. Lee to attack the North and relieve pressure they put on the south. The plan has failed and the Battle of Gettysburg was the bloodiest and the end of south getting to the north. Longstreet never surrendered and said the quotes go back where you came from and stay there. It was not until the Appomattox day when Lee surrendered did Longstreet stubbornly surrender.
After the Civil War
After the war Longstreet befriended Grant and became a Republican. He helped Grant become President and served as a ministry for Grant at Turkey. He also tried stopping racism on black, many southerners thought of him as a traitor for supporting Grant and being against black racism. He outlived most of the Generals and died January 2, 1904 in Gainsville, Georgia and was buried there. He was said to be the last high command of the Confederacy that died.